Wednesday, August 15, 2012

*Hang Christmas Lights . . .

I don't even know if I can really consider myself unemployed at this point. I voluntarily left a full-time job to attend grad school and now I just can't FIND a job. I don't have unemployment benefits, nor do I have a child to feed. I have a bruised ego and a bedroom in my mom's basement. Living the dream.

However, I'm past my quarter century birthday and there are things I want -- a car that locks in the winter and has a/c in the summer, a bathtub with jets, a restored colonial with big pillars out front that look spectacular wrapped in real evergreen swags and poinsettia flowers and Christmas lights. . . Christmas lights!

Then I Googled (yeah, it's a verb. Get me a Mad Lib stat and I'll Google you some silly cat food next to the hairy lady...) several phrases about hanging Christmas lights outside. No one can ever find their inner Clark W. Griswold and get excited about finding a non snow/ice covered section to hang 10 feet of lights before having to move the ladder again and it's generally so cold no one wants to do it anyway. And then there's the tear down. Why not profit off that?

Apparently there is a claim out there, unverified by Snopes so I'm not sure of its truth, that some man made $33,000 hanging Christmas lights in October November, and December. His fee included a 4-man crew and tear down within a reasonable time frame after Christmas. Brilliant. However, I'm not sure there is really a market for it here, nor do I know of 3 other unemployed suckers that would want to brave a typical Midwestern winter to create a tiny nest egg.

Rejection. Like a boss.

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