Monday, May 12, 2014

... Live Gluten Free inside and out

A little over a year ago I discovered a skin care line that uses no gluten fillers. Everything I've tried I've loved -- so much so that I decided to start selling.   Will bring you to our catalog. 

My favorite favorite products are as follows: 

1. The Stripper -- it works by sucking all the gunk out of your pores leaving your skin soft and clean. It has the same active ingredients as glam glow super mud but is waaaayyy less expensive. 

2. The Purifier stick -- think really really big Chapstick with Shea butter and tea tree oil for those problem areas. 

3. The Healer stick -- a Shea butter stick that heals everything. Burns, scabbed over bug bites, eczema... I've tried it on everything. 

4. The Sleepy Sleep stick -- this lavender oil and Shea butter stick is my nighttime lip balm. I put it on and immediately begin to relax ... And wake up with supple lips. 

All products are under $25 and when you buy 5 you get the 6th free! How great is that??!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

*Deal with Work Bitches (vol 2), . . .

If I didn't say it before, I'll say it again. I go to work on time, I do my job, I do what is asked of me, I go home. Repeat.

About a month ago I was assigned to do an aseptic technique test where you put some chemicals into other chemicals 1ml at a time using the same syringe and 20 different needles ... and then your bag of mixed chemicals is put into an incubator for 14 days and monitored for growth. If stuff grows ... You no longer make ivs. If its good, you're stuck in the troll hole making ivs. I can't tell how I want this to go to be honest. There are pros and cons to both situations.

Anyway, my name has been on the list of people left to do this test thru 2 updates. This time the font was much larger and affixed to a sheet of hunter orange paper right inside the entrance to the department. Ok. You win. I'll do it.

Work has been busy lately, tonight was relatively mild. One of the pharmacists suggested I do my test and get it out of the way. He said we had adequate coverage so I could take care of what I needed to do. I did my test, put it in the transport box, and resumed my normal work duties. Only this time, I was being ignored my the third shifters. Nothing new. People at my job treat me worse than any other job I've ever worked. They rarely speak to me and when they do they refer to me as "you" or "her". Fine.

When the silent treatment went unacknowledged for what she thought was long enough she told me I was selfish and couldn't have picked a worse time to do my test. My selfishness puts them behind because they have to do their job and my job. . . For 30 minutes. She just stood there. Loudly bitching at me like I was one of her children. I was biting my tongue so hard I'm surprised my mouth didn't fill up with blood.

I like my job. My coworkers could use a lesson in candor and how to treat others. Or maybe just listen at church once in a while. Pretty sure if I talked to her like that I'd have a nice little one on one sit down with hr to look forward to...

Sucking at life. Like a boss.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

*Deal with Work Bitches, . . .

So. . . I'm working the exact same job right now that I worked during undergrad. The very job I worked. . . Before I took out more loans than I can afford to repay right now on my meager salary. Before I had 2 additional degrees to list after a comma after my name. Before I used up all of my savings and sanity. Before I had to check the 25 - 34 box on questionnaires.

I get up and go to work every day that I'm scheduled. I do my job to the best of my ability, because that's me. However, there are a handful of people that choose to make up rumors about me and when you work in a room full of women, they spread like wildfire.

I find that it's best to pick my battles. I come in, I do my job, I go home. If I make friends it's inadvertent because I'm not paid to make friends, I'm paid to do my job. Although, it's hard to go to work every day somewhere your coworkers try their hardest to make you feel like the outsider every day, even though you've been there 6 months.

How to deal with bitches? Don't engage and do your job. . . Like a boss.

. . . Or at least that's the pep talk I give myself while walking from the parking lot to my department.

Monday, January 7, 2013

*Study for the Bar all over again. . .

My 2013 planner is already loaded with things to do. They all revolve around studying for the Bar. . . again. As if failing wasn't bad enough, having to re-listen to all the lectures and do all the practice questions again feels like a punishment. A punishment I'm paying for.

Perhaps it's time to find a different profession? Maybe I should take what little legal knowledge I possess and go the other way with it. Maybe it's time to open up my travelling snow cone RV . . . or my brothel with clean, tested ladies. Seems like the best plan of attack?

Self pity . . . like a boss.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

*work overtime, . . .

Because I'm awesome and have to take the bar again or essentially waste the last 7 years of higher education, I'm facing the daunting task of paying for everything all over again.

My bar application is due November 1st and with it another application fee payable to my state of choice. To pay this ridiculous fee to tell them things I told them 6 months ago I picked up some shifts at work. I was sacrificing 3-1130pm for the next 12 days to make extra moolah with Uncle Rico. No such luck. My boss stuck around until I got to work yesterday. . . Due to a poor quarterly performance, all OT has been forbidden.

Now, I have 2 days off this week. . . But no extra monies.

Rejection. Like a boss.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

*Fail the Bar. . .

I got the results from the July Bar a few weeks ago. I failed by one multiple choice question.

This last week I purchased 2500 large notecards in an attempt to dominate in February. Although, I'm not sure that will make it any better.

In the mean time, rejection letters keep on coming. Perfect. This may be the definition of being kicked while you're down.

My entire life is slowly becoming one giant pool of comedic one liners.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

*Feel Awesome Feelings About Life. . .

Before I sat for the Bar I applied to a bunch of non-law jobs. I understand the economic climate is less than ideal, but I also realize I have bills that want paid. Apparently creditors don't care about your personal financial crisis and just want paid. . . Who would've guessed.

Recognizing the need for monies to repay student loans, I was being proactive. Today I received the vaguest rejection letter in the mail to date. Te job required a bachelors. . . In anything. What do you know, I have one of those. The job posting also said a masters was preferred. Oh, I have one of those, too. The letter said after reviewing all applications they didn't find one qualified person and were going to continue their search to fill the position.

They did, however, find it in them to muster up a sentence about thanking me for spending time filling out their application and for being interested in the position. . . And my ultimate favorite -- they wished me luck in my endeavors. Thank you.

Rejection. Like a boss.